Change is natural. Does it feel that way to you?

Change is constant; it is all around us, from natural seasonal weather to the cells in our
bodies. Reflecting upon the many changes in my own life over the years, out of curiosity
I looked around me and recognise that many people I have met have re-invented
themselves at least once. Their reasons are varied; either their circumstances trigger their
change of country or career or with time and maturity they re-assess and if able to, they
follow their passions.

Woods with a little pond

As humans we should be adaptable, making use of our experiences to enrich us. Our health
should not suffer as a result of those changes, even though they can often be triggered
because of serious health issues.

As a homeopath, my thoughts go to how those who do not cope well with change. They see
change as frightening and can be resistant, even sub-consciously. The unknown, the
different, the challenge of being outside ones’ comfort zone is perceived as alarming. For
example, a young child going to nursery for the first time, not being in a place or with
people she knows and where she feels secure brings up distress symptoms, such as crying
and clinginess, sleep disturbances, regression in other behaviours.

Life cycle of a colourful butterfly

In adults symptoms of resistance or fear of change can range from slight nervousness to full
blown panic attacks. For some the slightest deviation from the daily routine triggers
unpleasant reactions, such as the irritable bowel symptoms suffered by an otherwise
seemingly calm woman I treated some years ago. Her remedy enabled her to deal with her
trigger as well as eliminating her physical symptoms.

My approach is to honour a person’s feelings and with homeopathic remedies help them to
cope better with all aspects.

Change is natural. Does it feel that way to you? Book a short call if not.

Stay S.A.F.E.

I hope you, your family and friends are safe and well during these incredibly difficult times.

Stay S.A.F.E.

These uncertain times that are impacting upon all our lives. Uncertainty is one of the biggest stressors. ‘Not knowing’ can make us feel like we are in a vacuum.  And being in lockdown/is an additional stress to our systems.

Uncertainty causes a complex cascade of feelings: confusion, worry, fear, frustration, anger, and powerlessness. Helplessness may be particularly difficult to endure. We respond to uncertainty according to our natures: stoical types tend to take it in their stride, bossy types make plans, some become frightened that something dreadful is going to happen while others worry themselves silly.  Fear is in and of itself a virus.

One of the remedies below may be helpful if you find that anxiety or fear are affecting your health. If uncertain which remedy to take, I am offering consultations online.

Argentum nitricum:
Frank panic attacks. Anxious and churning/hurried inside. Feels out of control and hates it. Worried & frightened about what may happen.

Arsenicum album:
Relentless anxiety about the future, about getting sick, about the family. Worries about security, especially financial security.

Anticipates the worst. Dreads any upcoming ordeal. Hearing bad news makes everything worse. Feels anxious about being out of control.
Which Potency? 

The potency doesn’t matter – whatever you have at hand – a 6C or 30C is fine. Take just a few doses – 3 spread over a day.
If it helps DON’T keep taking it.
If it doesn’t help DON’T keep taking it.

Stay S.A.F.E.Keep your immune system—and your spirits—strong. Here are 4 vital building blocks of health and well-being. All 4 are energising and healing in different ways.
Sleep and rest … sleep is deeply healing for every system and organ and cell in your body.
Activities … those that are fun/creative/relaxing … a distraction
Food as nourishing as possible.
Exercise every day – if at all possible twice a day.

Personally, I am trying to keep calm and balanced. It helps to reach out to friends and family via the many platforms available. Restricting the news to once daily works for me, as the constant repetition of sad news affects me negatively.

Exercising also helps, even when it’s hard to self-motivate, it raises the good endorphins. Our neighbourhood has been surprisingly active with opportunities to help others, like cooking for NHS staff. I now have the time to organise the many photos into albums, a long term project. Also, I am still practising, seeing patients online, which gives me purpose.

With sincere wishes for a continued healthy and peaceful time.

Covid & Anxiety


I wanted to reach out to you and say, first of all, that I hope you, your family and friends are safe and well during these incredibly difficult times.

These uncertain times are impacting upon all our lives. Uncertainty is one of the biggest stressors. ‘Not knowing’ can make us feel we are in a vacuum and coupled with being in lockdown is an additional cause of stress.

Uncertainty causes a complex cascade of feelings: confusion, worry, fear, frustration, anger, and powerlessness. Helplessness may be particularly difficult to endure. We respond to uncertainty according to our natures: stoical types tend to take it in their stride, bossy types make plans, some become frightened that something dreadful is going to happen while others worry themselves silly. Fear is in and of itself a virus.

One of the remedies below may be helpful if you find that anxiety or fear are affecting your health. If uncertain which remedy to take, I am offering online consultations.

Argentum nitricum
Frank panic attacks. Anxious and churning/hurried inside. Feels out of control and hates it. Worried & frightened about what may happen.

Arsenicum album
Relentless anxiety about the future, about getting sick, about the family. Worries about security, especially financial security.

Anticipates the worst. Dreads any upcoming ordeal. Hearing bad news makes everything worse. Feels anxious about being out of control.

Which Potency?
The potency doesn’t matter – whatever you have at hand – a 6C or 30C is fine. Take just a few doses – 3 spread over a day.
If it helps DON’T keep taking it.
If it doesn’t help DON’T keep taking it.

Stay S.A.F.E.
Keep your immune system—and your spirits—strong.
These are 4 vital building blocks of health and well-being. All 4 are energizing and healing in different ways.
Sleep and rest … sleep is deeply healing for every system and organ and cell in your body.
Activities … those that are fun/creative/relaxing … a distraction
Food as nourishing as possible.
Exercise every day – if at all possible twice a day. Try to get outdoors to replenish your Vitamin D (even leaning out of the window for 10 minutes daily helps!)

Personally, I am trying to keep calm and balanced. It helps to reach out to friends and family via the many platforms available. Restricting the news to once daily works for me, as the constant repetition of sad news affects me negatively.
Exercising also helps, even when it’s hard to self-motivate, it raises the good endorphins. Our neighbourhood has been surprisingly active with opportunities to help others, like cooking for NHS staff. I now have the time to organise our many photos into albums, a long term project. Also, I am still practising, seeing patients online, which gives me purpose.

With sincere wishes for a continued healthy and peaceful time.

Covid-19 natural help & homeopathy

Covid-19 natural help & homeopathy

These are extremely challenging times; the uncertainty causes a cascade of feelings, such as confusion, fear, worry, frustration and powerlessness.

The not knowing – how long this will last, am I a carrier/infected, how will I provide for my family – is a major cause of stress. And prolonged stress in and of itself impacts negatively on our immune system.  Some tips to keep your immune system stable are listed below.

We all react to uncertainty and the feeling of helplessness in accordance with our personality. Those of us who are bossy, make plans and need to organise others,  stoical types take it in their strides and weather the situation, others worry themselves silly and  some are frightened thinking that something dreadful is going to happen.

If you feel that fear or anxiety are affecting your health, homeopathic remedies can help – consulting with a qualified homeopath will ensure you of the most accurate prescription and assistance.

Some tips to keep your immune system and your spirits strong:

Generally:   Stay Safe

                    Sleep and Rest

                     Control the amount of negative information you expose yourself to

                     Activities – fun/relaxing/ distracting -something daily

                     Food – as nourishing as possible

                    Exercise – produces the feel good mood endorphins

                     Avoid the news before bedtime

                    Keep in touch with friends/family and those in isolation

Health:       Take Vitamin C (preferably with zinc) and Vitamin D3 daily

Black Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra) 1 teaspoon daily, has been shown to boost the immune system


Wishing you continued good health.


I am available for online consultations on Skype or Facetime.


Exam season – stress less with homeopathy

Exam season – stress less with homeopathy

The exam season is soon upon us – does that mean it is stress time in your house?

Do you recognise any of the following symptoms? They might be occurring singly or in combination in connection with upcoming exams.Study-figure-300x2251

  • Insomnia
  • Digestive upsets
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Fear of failure
  • Irritability
  • Sugar cravings

‘Stress’ does not mean the same thing for everyone. In homeopathy, to clearly understand an individual’s experience, we have to observe their behaviour, listen carefully to how they explain it in their own words and ask them for examples of what they find stressful and how they experience it.

Result: there is a wide range of interpretations of ‘stress’ – some experience agitation, some anxiety or nervousness. Yet others have the feeling of not being able to cope, a fear of failure. The homeopathic approach is to recognise this, thus there is no single remedy for stress – just the appropriate remedy for the individual that best matches their characteristics and experience.

In the run up to exams, consider that a person is perhaps stressed because of anticipatory anxiety. In one remedy you will have the symptoms of trembling limbs and needing to rush to the loo several times before the exam, lots of fears and anxieties, whereas in another the trembling turns into paralysis and the mind goes blank. Yet another remedy will suit the person who lacks confidence, is assertive at home but subdued at school, and usually does well on the day even though they suffer from fear of failure.

Some students are generally struggling, feel inadequate and the competitive exam based education system is a challenge.

You can eliminate your stress of your students’ stress by making an appointment for a short consultation where I can assess the symptoms in full and suggest a remedy to help your exam taker feel less anxious and more confident.

All the information provided is made from the homeopathic perspective. Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice nor should the information provided be seen as a replacement for seeing a trusted healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate